
Saturday, April 12, 2014

The horror house of Bondi

After yet another legal battle, workers finally moved in yesterday to clean up the house of horrors in Boonara Avenue Bondi.  Mary Bobolas and her two daughters Elena and Liana choose to live amid the filth of rotting garbage and rats.  We assume that all three women must be mentally ill, yet there's nothing they don't know about the law, and they have continued to use it to stop Waverley Council from cleaning up their mess.  It's the fifth cleanup since 2005.

Security had to stop Mary Bobolas from intervening during the cleanup

When they lost in the Supreme Court of NSW they went to the Land and Environment Court who have just ordered the cleanup to take place.  

One neighbour said "The rats are as big as possums and they get up in my roof and down in the wall cavities."


Another neighbour said the three women sleep outside because they can no longer fit inside the house.  They burrow under the rubbish and when it rains, they put big umbrellas and tarps over themselves to keep dry.

Mary Bobolas

Terry Kudmore 71, has lived opposite since 1977 and says the problem won't go away.  "It's a bandaid solution..... it hasn't worked......why would it work now?" he said.   

Another neighbour said he had $480,000 wiped off the value of his home and the block of units next door were abandoned when the rats moved in.  So why has council allowed this to happen, time and time again?

The cleanup crew meet before starting work

Waverley Council General Manager Arthur Kyron said their first priority is to make sure the rubbish doesn't heap up again but he didn't say how he would do it.  "There are obviously underlying factors causing this problem to occur" he said in a statement.

The council plans to charge the family for the cost of the cleanup after spending at least $350,000 in cleaning costs since 2006.  Good luck with that.

Mary at 3 am

At 3 am on the morning of the cleanup, Mary Bobolas was seen collecting rubbish on the streets of Bondi and taking it home.

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