
Friday, May 9, 2014

The Real Housewives of Melbourne

For a Barrister, Gina Liano isn't very smart.  She's caused a lot of bad feeling in the first series of Real Housewives of Melbourne. You don't expect a barrister to use the "C" word or call someone an "insignificant arse hair" on camera.  It slowly becomes clear why she's so unpopular with her co-stars, she's difficult and doesn't fit in. She also lies with conviction, caught out by reruns of the tape.


The bitching has reached the stage of utter boredom and if they keep Gina in, it's bound to continue.  Foxtel has announced there will be a second series, but it will need to be better than the first.


Clairvoyant Jackie Gillies and husband Ben of Silverchair fame have launched their pre-made cocktail range La Mascara, now on sale at Dan Murphy's. 

But by far the smartest housewife is the one the other girls call "Switzerland" because she doesn't take sides, Chyka Keebaugh. 

Co-owner of The Big Group, The Design Depot  and Capital Kitchen she and her husband have 150 full time employees and 1250 casuals.  Clients include Middle Eastern Sheiks, European aristocracy and high profile celebrities.   


The three other housewives are somewhat forgettable.

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