
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Muslims rally support for "Team Australia"

Mandouh Elomar (left) and Dr Jamal Rifi

The father of Mohamed Elomar - the man who took a picture of himself holding the severed heads of enemy soldiers - is sponsoring a "Muslims 4 Australia" barbecue organized by Dr Jamal Rifi. 

Mandouh Elomar and Dr Rifi have been good friends for years and think it's about time they let the Australian people know whose side they are on.

From Syria, his son posted a message on social media asking for information about Dr Rifi.  "Any details where he works or knows if hes got kids and which school they attend, I am willing to pay $1000 just for details" he wrote.

Mohamad Elomar

So on Sunday, the 14th of September in Parry Park, Lakemba, Sydney Muslims will have the opportunity to show their support for Australia.

Mr Elomar said his son had once worked in his construction business but he became lazy.  "He was just bludging all the time and said he didn't want to work so I kicked him out.  I haven't heard from him for two years, only what I see on tv, I cannot understand what my son did, it makes me want to vomit."  

He added "We don't want their agenda to tear apart the fabric of our community in Australia, we want this barbecue to show the rest of society that Muslims are part of Team Australia."

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