
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nova Peris' affair with Ato Boldon

Here we go again.  Another high profile person foolishly puts into words what they really think in an email.  It should never be done unless the writer is prepared to see those words on the front page of every newspaper in the country. And that's what's happened - Nova Paris' reputation is in tatters.

It's alleged that Senator Nova Peris used taxpayers money to fund a private affair with Olympic medalist from Trinidad Ato Boldon in 2010.

Boldon in 1996

Nova wasn't yet a senator but a communications officer with the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Studies and an ambassador for Athletics Australia.  She invited Ato Boldon to come to Australia to take part in a 10 day program for young athletes.

Nothing wrong with that, but the problem was how she went about funding it.

Athletics Australia confirmed they paid for Mr Boldon's flight to Melbourne from Los Angeles and covered his accommodation and other expenses but would not disclose the total amount.

In an email in mid-March Ms Peris tells him that she managed to round up $22,000 for Boldon, on top of the money Athletics Australia paid.

In earlier February 2010 emails Ms Peris tells Boldon she will find the money for him..."all expenses paid, meals and accommodation and a fee!!  Don't know what it is I was thinking around $10K I don't know bub, if your purpose was to come here and make a bit of money or holiday.... it was not in the budget to bring any profile athletes out but....I am not sure what they can do."

".....this is all black money babe....but rightly so being used for the interests of indigenous kids babe....white people hate black people in this country, and don't like for things to happen if there is no salt in the mix....."

Nova was married to Olympian Daniel Batman at the time, the father of two of her children.

"Do you think I should break it to my husband yet?" Nova writes. "That I am running away from him for 10 days with you??  Did I tell u I forgot our anniversary the other week! 2nd March married for 9 years.....ooooops... I came home and he said "do you have anything to say, I said um no why? he said look on the bed, so I did, there were roses and a card and a gift, a gold bracelet....'happy anniversary'...all I could say was sorry, I had a lot on my mind lately....."

"It's hard to keep a good woman down, and a black woman like me at that!!...white men can't control black women, they think they can but can't, if I was to marry a black man here, u have to marry the family lol....and that it just too much, I am the eldest of 45 cousins.....on my side, imagine family reunions lol."

" my dear friend, I am waiting for you....finally BLACK.....just like a on black...."

..."like Freeman here, she is so so dumb (sad but true) and has a national profile of running fast achieving awesome things but serious can't talk for shit, and has zero communications skills...."

Senator Peris released a statement yesterday "Documents provided to NT News are private.  It appears they were not lawfully obtained by a third party. I cannot vouch for the veracity of emails I have not seen."

Senator Peris stood up in the Senate yesterday and said the emails were nothing more than blackmail over a child custody battle.   New Malilda  now has a copy of those emails and wrote an article about them which reads:

In an interview with New Matilda late yesterday, one of the authors of the emails flatly rejected any suggestion of impropriety. “I totally refute all of the allegations made by Senator Peris in parliament today,” the person said. “I not aware of any attempt, by anyone, to blackmail or threaten Senator Peris.”

New Matilda has tried unsuccessfully to seek comment from Senator Peris’ office, and no response has been provided to a series of written questions.
A spokesperson for Opposition Leader Bill Shorten denied his office was involved in the statement delivered by Senator Peris in parliament. "Senator Peris’ statement was her own. It speaks for itself. Senator Peris has Mr Shorten’s full support."

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