
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Muslim father prays for death of PM's daughters

The father of an Australian girl who went to a private Anglican school and enjoyed a typical Aussie lifestyle until she met her husband, is planning to sue the Australian government.


His daughter Amira 22, went to Syria to be with her husband Tyler Perry, also known as Yusef Ali whom she married in 2013.

Her body was found shot and dismembered beside her husband's in a house in Aleppo, three weeks after she left Australia.

According to Mohamed Karroum, Australian authorities are to blame for his daughter's death because they allowed radical Islamic recruiters into the country and they also 'allowed her to leave.'

But that's not all.

Mohamed Karroum also said "I'm praying to the Lord every day, Tony Abbott, please Lord, let him lose one of his daughters, either in sickness or in accident or something, please Lord."

He is now looking for a lawyer to help him take the federal government to court.

Here is just another example of why Muslims in Australia are so unpopular.

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