
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Another dangerous Jihadist let out on bail

Khodr Moustafa Taha

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been told to stay out of court business. The PM said he could understand why people were "aghast" at the decision to grant bail to Khodr Moustafa Taha, who police believe is a seriously dangerous man.

It's alleged that Taha has a history of violence, has threatened police and used social media to support IS.  So why was he granted bail?

Ms Popovic

The Magistrate's name is Jelena Popovic, the same woman who sued Andrew Bolt and won.

Victorian police asked the Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) to consider an appeal against her decision but it was denied.

"The director has carefully considered this request for an appeal and has concluded that an appeal pursuant to Section 18A Bail Act 1977 should not be brought" a spokesperson for the office said. 

Well it's time we threw out that law and brought in a new one.

"The matter will return to her on 22 January when the OPP says the question of bail "can be reventilated then if necessary."

The president of the Law Institute of Victoria, Katie Miller, described Mr Abbott's remarks as "unhelpful" reminding us that it is not appropriate for politicians to interfere with the courts.

"We are talking about the integrity of the court system and its processes and magistrates need to make decisions based on the evidence before them and not on political comments that might be made through the media" Ms Miller said.

Integrity of the court system?  She must be joking. You would think that the Sydney siege would give magistrates a clue as to why it's prudent to keep dangerous men locked up.  Yet again, these magistrates have put our lives at risk.

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