
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Terrorist's wife and children want to come home

Khaled Sharrouf

Australian Khaled Sharrouf proudly posted a picture of his young son holding a bloody severed head with the caption 'that's my boy.'

Everyone was shocked except his relatives back in Sydney.  His brother said we should simply forget about it. "He's gone, forget about it, he's forgotten youse."

Now his Australian wife Tara Nettleton, a Muslim convert, who took her five children to Syria to join her husband, has decided she wants to come home.  She converted to Islam and had the first of her five children with Sharrouf when she was seventeen.

Sharrouf knows he's burnt his bridges, if he sets one foot on Australian soil, he'll be arrested and given a lengthy jail term and the same should apply to his wife and children.  But political correctness won't allow that to happen.  

Karen Nettleton

And Sharrouf's wife has an ally - her mother, Karen Nettleton - and with her help, she successfully smuggled her three young boys and two teenage daughters out of Australia to Syria via Malaysia. Her mother went out of her way to deceive authorities and make the move possible.

The government want to strip citizenship from Australian-born children of immigrants who go to fight with ISIS and force them to take up citizenship in the birth country of their parents.  But it's easier said than done. Yesterday when the federal cabinet agreed to introduce laws to strip sole Australian citizens of their rights, there was a revolt and the proposal failed. 

Tara Nettleton's father Peter pleaded with authorities to bring his grandchildren home months ago when he saw a picture of his grandson holding a severed head in the paper. But it's too late for that, they have already been indoctrinated into the brutal world of ISIL and you can't undo the damage already done.

Tara Nettleton made her bed and now she must lie in it and pleading ignorance won't wash. 

We don't want you or your children back. Ever.

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