
Monday, July 13, 2015

Bill Cosby's wife

Bill Cosby's wife Camille has a lot of questions to answer.  Loyalty to your husband is one thing but if she knew he was drugging women to rape them and did nothing, that's unforgivable.

She says that almost 50 women who have accused him of rape were agreeable - that they willingly took the drugs he gave them and agreed to have sex with him - a statement so offensive to his accusers, it beggars belief.

Even when it was revealed last week that he once admitted he intended to ply women with Quaaludes before having sex with them, all she will admit to is that her husband is a serial cheater and definitely not a rapist.

Camille Cosby 71, is also Bill Cosby's business manager.

"People are jumping ship" she said.  "I created him, I knew what I was getting and we'll fix this."

As his business manager, she's obviously giving him the wrong advice. With his reputation already in the gutter, the only course of action left is to "fix it" the right way -  admit his guilt, apologise for all the pain and suffering caused and pay for his transgressions in cold hard cash.

But it makes you wonder if there is another reason Camille is digging in - the restitution money involved.  If he pays out the current 50 accusers, how many more are out there?

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