
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Bronwyn Bishop dumped as Speaker

Oh what a come down.  Poor Bronny had to sit in economy on a flight back to Sydney on Friday after being dumped as Speaker.  

She had one of the worst weeks of her life and it showed.  Sources said she acted like a "petulant princess" when she had to vacate her plush office and take a seat on the back bench.

But what we did learn from this sorry saga was that MPs on all sides have been at it too.  Labor MP Tony Burke took his family to Uluru in the school holidays at taxpayers expense and many others made similar claims, all supposed to be "within the guidelines." 

Well those guidelines have to be changed because they stink to high heaven and the outrage of the electorate is real.

Tony Smith

Victorian Liberal Tony Smith was elected by his colleagues as the new Speaker for the House of Representatives at a meeting of 74 Liberal MPs in Canberra on Monday.  He's promised to be fair to both sides, unlike his predecessor, Ms Bishop who was known to unashamedly favour the LNP.

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