
Friday, August 21, 2015

Josh Duggar apologises - again

Josh and wife when she was expected their fourth child

Josh Duggar is the oldest child of the Duggar family's reality tv show "19 Kids and Counting."  The show has since been cancelled.

In 2013, Josh Duggar was named executive director of the Family Research Council - a conservative group dedicated to "champion marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue and the wellspring and society."

While he held this position, he was a paid up member of Ashley Madison, the website created for the sole purpose of cheating on your spouse.

When John was 14 years old, he admitted to sexually molesting his sisters and a baby sitter.  He committed at least seven acts of sexual molestation, according to a police report.

The Duggar family

Josh confessed to his father Jim Bob Duggar on three separate occasions but his parents waited 16 months before telling police, even though his behaviour was ongoing and getting worse, police allege. During that period, his parents did not get professional counselling for Josh or his sisters.

In March 2002, Josh went to his father very upset and confessed to sneaking into his sisters' bedroom at night.  The fondling was done over the girls' clothes, except in two cases, and happened when the girls were asleep, Jim Bob said.

Jim Bob took his son's problem to the church elders and it was decided that Josh should enter a treatment program and spent four months in Little Rock helping a family friend remodel a building.

And now he's been outed as a client of Ashley Madison.

In a statement released yesterday Duggar said "I have been the biggest hypocrite ever.  While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and I became unfaithful to my wife."

"As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences.   I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example, and I humbly ask your forgiveness."

Ashley Madison's slogan is "Life is short. Have an affair."

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