
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Simon Binner plans to die on Monday 19 October 2015

Simon Binner and his wife

Simon binner 57, who is suffering from motor neurone disease, plans to end his life this coming Monday, 19 October 2015 at the Eternal Spirit Clinic in Basel, Switzerland.  Mr Binner who lives in Surrey says he is forced into this brutal pre-planned death because of the UK's cruel law against assisted suicide.

On his LinkedIn page he writes "I was diagnosed with aggressive motor neurone disease (MND) on 7 January 2015 and as I was driving home, I decided what I would gladly have to do when my time was upon me."

He describes how his MND accelerated very rapidly.  The doctors thought he would last until 2018, but they were wrong.  

He would love to postpone his trip until after Christmas but time is running out - he must go while he is able to walk unaided onto a plane. His 85 year old mother will also be on that plane with the rest of the family.

Being diagnosed with MND would be devastating as it is one of the cruellest ailments suffered by man.  It's a rare, progressive and debilitating disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord.  In time it will lead to weakness and muscle wasting and affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe.

Yet our governments still persist in denying us the right to end our own lives, even with extreme examples like this.

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