
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Cedar Anderson revolutionises the bee hive

Cedar Anderson with his dad Stuart

Nimbin is the marijuana capital of Australia - a beautiful little town in Northern NSW with an interesting reputation.

It's on the backpacker itinerary and hundreds of young people arrive in buses every week. About twenty five years ago, the hippies arrived with their alternative lifestyle and a few decided to stay.

The locals say their town was taken over by a bunch of no-hoper pot-smoking dole-bludgers twenty five years ago who have never worked a day in their life ever since.

Cedar Anderson is a child of parents who founded a community in the hills many moon ago and is also a third generation beekeeper. As a child, he spent many hours collecting the family's honey and one day he decided there must be a better way - to get the honey from the hive without opening it and distressing the bees.

Slowly over time, Cedar developed prototypes and later when his dad Stuart helped solve some major design problems, they came up with the Flow Hive.

The day finally arrived to see if the prototype would work. 
Holding their breath, they turned the handle, and honey started to flow.

"We couldn't believe it....we just sat back in disbelief laughing..... we had invented the beekeepers dream."

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