
Friday, July 8, 2016

The Oscar Pistorius justice farce

Convicted murder Oscar Pistorius has been sent back to the same cell in the hospital wing of Pretoria's Kgosi Mampuru prison to serve six years for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

But the six year sentence is a joke, and the judge knew only too well that because of a loophole in South African law, he could be out in less than a year.

He has already spent a year in the hospital wing reserved for vulnerable inmates. The South African Dept of Correctional Services said the special accommodation was due to his disability.

The farce started when Pistorius was found not guilty of premeditated murder and was convicted of the lesser charge of culpable homicide.

When prosecutors managed to get the charge lifted to murder, it seemed that justice had finally prevailed and expectations were high, but insead, the judge has let him off.

And what a performance he gave in court.  We walked around on his stumps.  He vomited, cried and collapsed when pictures of his victim were shown. 

And it paid off.  He got away with murder and will be out within a year and return to a life of privilege.

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