
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Child's breast removal for gender dysphoria

A 15 year old girl, diagnosed with gender dysphoria has been given permission by Australia's Family Court to go ahead with surgery to remove both breasts.  Although she was born a girl, she has dressed as a boy since the age of 4.

Because she has not been taking hormones to suppress puberty, she has developed large breasts which need to be removed before she starts taking testosterone which will result in a hairy chest and facial hair.

A psychologist told the court "Society has begun to accept transgender individuals however, I am highly doubtful they would accept an individual with a beard, a hairy chest and a E-cup bust."

The child understands the operation will deny her the opportunity to breastfeed a child and hopes to begin hormone treatment within 12 months.

International guidelines which recommend genital surgery should not be performed until children have reached 18 years of age, and lived 12 months as the opposite sex, was acknowledged and accepted by the court.

The court heard the child's situation was unique and that her large breasts were causing psychological and physical pain.

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