
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Daniel Morcombe's killer won't get out of jail alive

Daniel Morcombe

Sometimes news stories are depressing, but this one isn't.  It seems that paedophile Brett Cowan, who killed Daniel Morcombe, is having a rough time in prison.

Thanks to Daniel's parents, who never gave up the search and kept Daniel's face on the front page of every newspaper and television channel every week, Daniel Morcombe became a household name throughout the country.

Brett Cowan

His killer was finally found by excellent police work and brought to justice and is currently housed at Wolston Correctional Centre. And the word is, according to ex inmates, that he will never get out alive and the man who finally kills him will be a hero.

"I hope the public know that he's not getting an easy ride in there, it's a living hell for him" a former inmate said.

He was let out of the protective wing into general population and last month Adam Paul Davidson allegedly poured a mop bucket full of boiling water over him before giving him a solid beating.  He is now permanently disfigured, but alas, back in protective custody.

What a shame.

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