
Friday, September 30, 2016

Tony Mundine - "Don't sing the National Anthem"

Boxer Tony Mundine's chip on his shoulder gets heavier every year, but his latest hate speech takes the cake.

He wants the NRL in Sydney and the AFL players in Melbourne to boycott the National Anthem at this weekend's football finals.

Last night he shared a video on social media urging people to make a stand against racism by boycotting the anthem. Why?  Because he believes white Australians hate Aboriginal people and treat them badly.

Not true.

I remember well the Reconciliation March across the Sydney Harbour Bridge on 28 May 2000 - 250,000 people turned out and for five and a half hours, a continuous stream of people made their way across the famous Sydney landmark in support of, and respect for, Aboriginal people.  And millions more were with them in spirit. It was the largest political demonstration ever held in Australian history.

So his imagined hatred white Australians have for Aboriginal people just isn't there. 

So if you are lucky enough to have tickets to the finals this weekend, sing up and sing loud.

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