
Monday, October 24, 2016

Drug addicted parents given second chance

You have to wonder why an ice-addicted couple - a violent man and his wife - would want to have nine children.  But we already know the reason - the more children they have, the more government benefits they receive, which gives them the means to maintain their drug addiction.  

A Sydney couple in Blacktown who have already had eight children removed from their care have received an extraordinary offer - they were given a full-time carer provided by the NSW government to help them keep their ninth child, now seven months old.

Why, you ask?

Family and Community Services Minister Brad Hazzard said separating children from their parents was not always the answer to difficult social problems, so they are trialling a different approach.

"There is absolutely no question that removing a baby from a mum is no guarantee that baby is going to have a positive future" he said. "Sadly, too many children in foster care end up with very negative lives."

The baby was one of 2227 unborn babies classified as being "at significant risk of harm" in 2014/15 because of drug, alcohol and domestic violence issues that had seen the couple's eight other children taken away.

So why are children placed in foster homes ending up with a negative life?  We need to find out and fix it.

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