
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Melbourne terror attack foiled

Flinders Street Station

The hate goes on, and on, and on.  Good police work this week prevented planned terror attacks on Flinders Street Station, Federation Square and St Paul's Cathedral on Christmas Day.

St Paul's Cathedral

Police now have Abdullah Chaaranim, Hamza Abbas, Ahmed Mohamad and Ibrihim Abbas all safely locked up. Two other men and a woman were also arrested but released without charge.

The would-be killers are young members of  the Lebanese-Australian community.  They were born here, raised here, yet wanted to kill as many Australians as they possibly could.

And when Immigration Minister Dutton made the comment "of the last 33 people who have been charged with terrorist-related offences in this country, 22 of those people are from second and third generation Lebanese-Muslim backgrounds" he was hailed as a racist.  But you can't argue with the truth and if the Lebanese community can't fix it, we must.

Federation Square

And as always, the Islamic Council of Victoria said they 'strongly condemned' the plot.

And to make things worse, Malcolm Turnbull made one of his most ironic comments to date - he said we had a very successful multi-cultural society - when we obviously do not. 

We need to pass laws that will enable us to send these thugs and their entire families, back to their country of origin.

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