
Monday, January 2, 2017

Great Australian photographers - Guy Verkroost

Guy Verkroost

We have some outstanding Australian photographers, Guy Verkroost is just one of them.  He writes

A female Australasian Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti) eating a fig in a fig tree (Ficus virgata) at Bartle Frere, Far North Queensland

....I have been working in Cardwell for the last couple of weeks, I soon got over staying in the middle of town and found a nice airbnb online at Five Mile Creek, which is suprisingly about five miles out of town. It was nice to knock off work on a hot day and go sit in this creek running behind my cabin...

A Rainbow Lorikeet in a Black Bean in the garden this morning at Bartle Frere, Far North Queensland

I will be publishing some more of my favourites most days from now on.

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