
Friday, July 27, 2018

My Health Record is a joke

My Health Record (MHR) was introduced in June 2012 by the Gillard Labor Government originally as an opt-in system before legislative amendments in 2015 introduced by the Abbott Coalition Government renamed it and laid the groundwork for it to become an opt-out system.
But what they didn’t tell us is that our private consultations will no longer be private – authorities will be able to access them with ease.  
How parents can manage a child's My Health Record:
Parents can opt children under 18 out of My Health Record until 15 October.
Children aged 14 and over can also opt themselves out until this date.
If no one opts out, a My Health Record will automatically be created by the end of 2018.  When a parent creates a child's My Health Record, they are its authorised representative and are responsible for managing the record.
If a child is not opted out and a My Health Record is created, parents can apply to be an authorised representative.
More than one authorised representative can manage a child's My Health Record.
If two parents have a child on separate Medicare cards, both cards link back to one version of the child's My Health Record.
From age 14, children can apply to manage their own My Health Record.
If they do not, the authorised representative will continue to manage it until age 18.
Parents of newborns will be able to opt them out as part of the Medicare enrolment process.
Source: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the Australian Digital Health Agency

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