
Saturday, December 22, 2018

George Christensen dismisses travel allegations as 'vile and defamatory'

ABC news

Queensland federal MP George Christensen has identified himself as the politician at the centre of allegations about travel to South-East Asia, dismissing them as part of a vile hate campaign.
Key points:
·         George Christensen wrote in a post on social media that Australian Federal Police (AFP) had launched inquiries into him
·         He said the AFP had found no evidence or information supporting the allegations, or any criminal conduct
·         Mr Christensen wrote he would not be making any further comment on "these lies and smears for now"

News Corp Australia this week reported Australian Federal Police (AFP) launched inquiries into an MP because of trips he made to parts of Asia known for prostitution and drugs, and suggestions he sent money to bank accounts in the region.
The Prime Minister's office issued a statement saying the allegations were made by a Labor frontbencher and had been discredited and dismissed by police.
This morning, Mr Christensen, the federal MP for Dawson in Mackay in north Queensland, wrote in a Facebook post that the allegations were about him, but the AFP had found no evidence or information supporting them, or any criminal conduct.
"I have confirmation in writing from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) that someone made an allegation to the AFP about me, even though they 'had no direct knowledge of the conduct' they were alleging — that's called vexatious in my books," Mr Christensen wrote.
"The AFP have further stated they 'found there was no evidence, or other information to support the allegation, or establish criminal conduct' and, as such, they did not launch any investigation nor did they, at any stage, interview me about any matter, criminal or otherwise.
"I also have confirmation of that in writing."
Mr Christensen dismissed the report as part of a "putrid" smear campaign by his political opponents.
He said "this whole matter is vile and defamatory".
"I've asked myself why I've been the subject of such a vile and hateful smear campaign and I can only think it is because I stood up for my electorate against the powers that be, or rather, that were, on too many occasions," Mr Christensen wrote.
"They now want revenge and have sided with Labor in this smear campaign to try and get that revenge."
He said he would not comment on the matter "for now".
"I say to my political opponents that if you want me out of Parliament, beat me the old fashioned way — on the hustings, not through smear," Mr Christensen wrote.
"No doubt they will still throw mud from the sidelines without putting their name to their allegations, because the people involved in this smear campaign are so gutless, in fact they are the lowest of the low to stoop to such actions as they have.
"I will not be making any further comment on these lies and smears for now, and those seeking to defame me will be contacted by my lawyer."
The ABC contacted Mr Christensen this morning for comment.
His media spokesperson said Mr Christensen would not make any further comment.
"As per [the] Facebook post, that is all he's saying at this point," the spokesperson said.

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