
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Archbishop Anthony Fisher says proposed vaccine is "ethical dilemma"

Sydney Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher. (Picture: Giovanni Portelli PhotographySource: News Corp Australia). Australia’s most powerful Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher has sparked outrage after suggesting the COVID-19 vaccine could create an “ethical dilemma” for Catholics who may refuse to take it because it uses a cell line from an aborted foetus in the 1970s. “Some will have no ethical problem with using tissue from electively aborted foetuses for medical purposes,’’ the letter states “Others may regard the use of a cell-line derived from an abortion performed back in the 1970s as now sufficiently removed from the abortion itself to be excusable. (But) those troubled by this may either acquiesce to the social and political pressure to use the vaccine or conscientiously object to the use by themselves or their dependants.”

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