
Friday, October 16, 2020

Blood group type resistance to coronavirus

In March, a study out of China suggested that people with type A blood might be more susceptible to getting the virus and people with type O blood might have more protection against the virus. The reports have some experts worried that people with type A blood might panic or worry and that people with type O blood might let their guard down or get too complacent. “This is an interesting study,” said Patricia Foster, PhD, a microbiologist and professor emerita of biology at Indiana University, told Healthline in March. “But it needs verification. If they can come up with more solid numbers and bigger studies, it’s something to look out for.” “It still requires full peer review, but it looks like the methods were generally appropriate,” Cushman said. “They interpret specific findings for certain blood groups, but I think the essence of what they observed is that people with O blood group have a lower risk of infection than all the other blood groups.”……..

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