
Monday, December 28, 2020

French Muslim attacked for attending Christmas Party

A young Muslim was attacked by fellow Muslims after he posted photos online of a Christmas party he had attended. The incident, which occurred in the northeastern city of Belfort, was reported by local media on Saturday. The 20-year-old victim is the son of law enforcement officers.
Shortly after posting the photos of the party, he was threatened by an acquaintance who blasted the young man as a “dirty son of white, son of a snake, son of police” and promised to “show” him what a “real Arab” should be. Although the tone of the conversation was far from friendly, the young man agreed to meet his accuser in person who showed up with four other mn, who beat up the 20-year-old and threatened him with further violence if he reported the incident to the police. Despite the intimidation, the young man filed a complaint against his attackers, and his mother has vowed to pursue the suspects. “He walked into an ambush,” she was cited by local media as saying.

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