
Monday, December 7, 2020

Trump calls on Brian Kemp to help overturn Biden's win

President Donald Trump reportedly called Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to ask him to help overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the state [Jonathan Ernst/AP]. Georgia’s governor will not acquiesce to pressure from President Donald Trump to call a special session of the state’s legislature in an attempt to overturn the state’s election results, his deputy said. Lieutenant Governor of Georgia Geoff Duncan told CNN on Sunday he and his boss, Governor Brian Kemp, are “certainly not going to move the goalposts at this point in the election”. The statement comes after Trump reportedly called Kemp, a Republican, on Saturday and asked for his help in overturning the election results by calling a special session of the state legislature so the Republican-controlled body could appoint electors who would override the state results. Source: Aljazeera

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