
Monday, January 25, 2021

An honours degree couldn’t land Max a job so he’s going back to Uni


UNSW engineering graduate Max Kaplan is planning to go back to university to get his master's degree.(ABC News: Justin Huntsdale)

Max Kaplan hadn't had any luck landing a job after completing his engineering degree at the University of New South Wales. Throughout 2020, he applied for several jobs a week, but to no avail.

"It was a little bit crushing at times when I was facing rejection after rejection," Mr Kaplan said. "You go through five years of uni, a year of work, and still can't find anything … it feels like you've wasted your time."

Despite graduating with honours from a university placed third in the nation for employment, he is now preparing to study a masters of mechatronic engineering at the University of Melbourne…….

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