
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Farmer steals 40 tonnes of another farmer's grain

 A farmer helped himself to a massive 40 tonnes of another man’s grain during a bumper harvest and thought he’d gotten away with it until one wrong move.

Curtis John Adams stole 40 tonnes of wheat grain from another farmer’s property in the dead of night.

He drove his Kentworth prime mover and two trailers to Alexander Ballhausen’s property ‘Wilga’ on The McGrane Way between Tullamore and Narromine in the early hours of November 30. He removed the harvested wheat which was stored in silos, five kilometres from the entrance to the property.

But on his way home, thinking he was home free, he rolled the truck and contacted a towing company operator to come and help him clean up the mess.  His luck ran out when the cops arrived. 

Police searched Adams’s property on December 2 and found a grain trailer with the stolen grain inside.  The trailer was seized and police later found Adams’s fingerprints on equipment used to steal the grain.

“I don’t know what came over me,” he told police.

“He will be forever known as a thief … one of the worst things you can be known as in a country town is a thief.”

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