
Friday, January 15, 2021

Fly the Aboriginal flag at half mast on Australia Day January 26



By Lidia Thorpe
Lidia Thorpe is a Djabwurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman and an Australian Greens Senator.

For First Nations people across this country, January is a hard month. The colonial flag-waving, the heightened racism, the collective amnesia, and the celebration of violent occupation. After more than 200 years of colonisation, too many Australians still think January 26 is a day of celebration.

Since James Cook first set foot at Kamay (Botany Bay), there have been at least 270 massacres of First Nations peoples in this country. We will never know the true number of casualties - only that many thousands of First Nations people across this nation were massacred in numerous frontier wars, over many decades, often in cold blood. Today, black deaths in custody only serve to remind us that this period of violence and injustice has not yet finished.

That’s why, for Aboriginal people across this country, January 26 marks a day of mourning…..


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