
Saturday, January 23, 2021

King of Thailand accused of profiting from pandemic


A company owned by King Vajiralongkorn has been given a state contract to produce 26 million doses of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine


A Thai billionaire is facing 15 years in prison under a law against insulting the monarchy after he asked if the king was personally profiting from the pandemic.

The government is using the lèse-majesté law to prosecute Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, an opposition politician and businessman, after he raised questions about a state contract given to a company owned by King Vajiralongkorn to produce millions of doses of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine.

In a live broadcast on Facebook, Mr Thanathorn questioned the decision to buy 26 million doses. The vaccine will be manufactured by Siam Bioscience, one of many companies owned by the king, which makes him one of the richest monarchs.  Source:  The Times





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