
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Was Mary Magdalene at the Last Supper?


In "The Last Supper," the figure at Christ's right arm does not possess an easily-identified gender. He's not bald, or bearded, or anything we visually associate with "masculinity." In fact, he looks feminine. As a result, some people (like the novelist Dan Brown in "The Da Vinci Code") have speculated that Da Vinci wasn't depicting John at all, but rather Mary Magdalene. There are three very good reasons why Leonardo was likely not depicting Mary Magdalene.

1. Mary Magdalene wasn't at the Last Supper.,possess%20an%20easily%2Didentified%20gender.&text=Mary%20Magdalene%20wasn't%20at,any%20of%20the%20four%20Gospels.




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