
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Canada may give mentally ill right to assisted suicide


David Lametti, the Canadian justice minister, centre, said the law would respect people’s autonomy while protecting the vulnerable

Canada has expanded the scope of its laws on medically assisted death to include people whose demise is not foreseeable and opened the door for the mentally ill to have the procedure.

The law, given royal assent on Wednesday, revamps assisted death in Canada and comes as assisted suicide is legalised in Spain, fulfilling a pledge by Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister. The changes make euthanasia legal in Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Switzerland and several US states.

Wish Australia was a forward thinking country like Canada on this touchy subject, only one state has had the guts to make it legal, but you have to be on your last legs in agony before it's allowed. Hope you can see this documentary about an Australian woman aged 90, healthy, who goes to Switzerland to Digitas to end her life.
Laura’s choice

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