
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Queensland Flood Volunteers Clean Up

Volunteers lined up today in their thousands to help clean up after the floods. Brisbane Mayor Campbell Newman said there were 22,000 people raring to go and get stuck in. They brought their own shovels, buckets, hoses and lots of enthusiasm. At the four Brisbane centres this morning the volunteers had to wait in line to register first before being taken by bus to the worst affected areas.

Meanwhile, the number of people missing has gone down to 28 and the death toll stands at 16. The missing are all from the Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley area. The state coronor has warned that bodies of some victims may never be found.

Authorities are continuing to release around 301,000 mega-litres every day from the swollen Wivenhoe Dam which is at 163 per cent capacity. They need to empty as much as they can before more unstable weather arrives next week.

A Christian pastor has blamed Kevin Rudd for the Queensland floods. Daniel Nalliah from Catch the Fire Ministries says it's all his fault. Why? Because in December Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited Israel and asked the Jewish state to allow international inspectors into its nuclear facilities and also asked them to stop construction of Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The Pastor said that every time America went against Israel, there was "disaster in the land." He added "It's very interesting that Kevin Rudd comes from Queensland. Is God trying to get our attention? I believe so."

Mr Rudd worked tirelessly for days for the people flooded in his electorate of Griffith. Wading through dirty water up to his knees, he and many others were injured by debris washed into the city. A small cut to his foot later became infected and he had to go to Brisbane's Mater Hospital for treatment. He was later discharged.

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