
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Toowoomba Floods Heroes

In Toowooma last Monday at 2pm, 13 year old Jordan Rice, his 10 year old brother Blake and his mother were in their car in shallow water when the engine suddenly stopped. Donna rang 000 and was told to stay put but as the water began rising so incredibly fast, they had to climb onto the roof.

A semi-trailer driver quickly tied some rope around himself and jumped in. Although Jordan couldn't swim, he insisted that the good Samaritan take his younger brother first. As the truckie was on the way back to get Jordan and his mother, who were now clinging desperately to a tree, the rope broke. At that moment, Jordan was swept off and Donna let go to make a grab for him. They were both washed away.

The truck driver, who was described as "scrawny" disappeared and no one knows who he is. Which reminds me of what Mark Twain said "It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog."

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