
Friday, April 22, 2011

Bernard Finnigan Arrested

More grief for the Labor Party. Bernard Finnigan has been charged over allegations of child pornography. Finnigan, who is the most senior MP in the SA Upper House has resigned and will not be replaced. Premier Rann said he had accepted Finnigan's resignation from Cabinet and the Executive Council.

Born in Mt Gambier in 1972, Mr Finnigan grew up on the family dairy farm at Eight Mile Creek. Right faction leader Senator Don Farrell paid tribute to Mr Finnigan in his maiden speech in the Senate in 2008, describing him as being "a tower of strength in times of trouble".

In Finnigan's maiden speech in 2006, he paid tribute to his parents for his Catholic faith. "I would like to acknowledge that, despite my stumbles along the way and however imperfect my efforts, I am a servant of Christ and subject of His reign in history," he said.


  1. Careful, presently he cannot be named by law.

  2. Meh....presently children cannot be exploited law.

  3. The "big" blue shirt cut through even the video muffles.

  4. Unfortunately, the publication of this information in violation of SA state law may well be grounds for dismissal of any case against the person who is named here, if there in fact are any charges pending against that person. Not very well thought out ...was it? Unless that was the intention, that is.

  5. its only illigal if this is published in sa

  6. Thursday, 21 April 2011 / 2 comments
    Adelaide’s gossip mill in overdrive over MP porn charges
    by Des Ryan, editor of InDaily
    A blanket suppression order covers the identity of a South Australian state Labor MP who has been charged with possessing child pornography.

    The challenge now for authorities is to enforce the suppression in the era of Twitter and other social media, which would still be a breach. The law does not cover normal one-on-one conversations, however, and the town is abuzz.

  7. why should he be protected? Shouldn't the exploited children be the priority ?

  8. I believe suppression orders are useful because they protect and uphold the concept of "innocent until proven guilty".
    If guilty, he desrves the worst the law can do to him, but until then, he should be respected as an innocent person.

  9. Anyone can be acussed.
    An acussed person should be protected until the case is proven.

  10. You really are a fool Anna maria. Plus guilty until proven innocent is not lawful or just, you other morons.

  11. I wouldn't say you're a fool Anna, at the end of the day you've only written what everyone else is saying...also let's be honest...if Bernie even remotely thought he was innocent he would have waited a month...asked for permission to take 3months leave of absence and fought to clear his name...the very fact he has resigned suggests he sees his own guilt....

  12. Does anybody else see the similarity between Bernard Finnigan and Chicken Littles Dad??

  13. How fascinating that comments are suggesting a name should be suppressed because innocent until proven guilty. All one has to do is look up the daily (court) cause list and look at all people who has been charged for a crime. They too have yet to be been found guilty.

  14. Anonynous wrote: "Careful, presently he cannot be named by law."

    The suppression law applies only to journalists and media outlets in South Australia. His name has already been reported in Queensland in association with the allegations.

  15. "Plus guilty until proven innocent" applies only to the courts. People have every right to form their own opinions.

  16. Bernard is a disgrace to the Catholic Church. Have you heard what he has previously said about religion, oh so very high and mighty. Shame on you Bernard!

  17. 'TEN News At Five' in Adelaide just reported that the suppressed name of the MP can be found online at various blog websites

  18. Bye Bye Bernard,
    THe South East doesn't need you

  19. They should string him up by his balls!

  20. Why should he be protected? He was caught with the kiddy porn on his computer there is no excuse for that is there? unless keven foley did it to take the heat of him self.

  21. Why should he be protected? He was caught with the kiddy porn on his computer there is no excuse for that is there? unless keven foley did it to take the heat of him self.

  22. Keith Wright, Milton Orkopolous, Bob Collins, Bill D’Arcy, Neville Hilton, Patrick Roughan – and now this maggot. How many more have gone uncaught? How many child sex offenders do we need to uncover in the ALP before an “Emergency Response” or “intervention” like that our federal leaders impose on the NT is warranted?

    Can anyone ignore the utter hypocrisy of this corrupt institution, as they cynically manipulate the issue of child abuse in impoverished and disempowered remote NT communities?

    Sure there’s paedophiles in remote communities – but they’re also in the catholic church, and the ALP.

    There’s no Big Blue signs outside churches or electorate offices. No one assumes control of their finances, raids their houses, closes their shops and micro-manages their lives : and of course not. These stupid tactics are totally irrelevant to the issue of child abuse. They do nothing to deter the guilty, and they unfairly impact upon the innocent majority.

    Yet these disgusting hypocrites in the ALP will steamroll ahead with the same useless brute force tactics in our remote communities, while staying silent about the criminals in their very ranks.

  23. U would not be calling anna maria a fool if some one was tamping ur kids?????????

  24. Well how stupid do you thin South Australians are!! Faget MP that can't be named gets arrested and one hour latter Faget MP who is named resignes. Rot in hell and make sure he does not get his parliamentary entitlements

  25. He gets bail and goes on hollidays he should be put in remand center so he can a little help if u know what mean.

  26. Channel 10 also reported the MP refuses to resign and the ALP now want to expell him. How can this be if Finnigan has already resigned. unless its not him!

  27. It's definitely Bernie....all other states are allowed to name him.....The anti-pedophile crusader Derryn Hinch's website has named him point blank.....

  28. Get a gripp wanker who else is tall & fat with a hunch back???????????????????????????????
    I told u before keven foley set him up to take the heat of him self;)

  29. Kevin Foley isn't the size of a building and blind Freddy can tell it was Bernie Finnigan even with the tv muffles over his big fat guts....the only thing Kevin Foley has done wrong is cry on tv cause someone slugged him one for being a loud mouthed prick....

  30. Do you people realize how many underage people solicit for hook ups on gay dating sites ? It would be so easy to fall victim to this intentional mis-information. It is ridiculously naive to place a blanket of innocence across all individuals approaching legal adult hood yet aged less than 18 in this era of hyper inflated sexuality. Consider this particularly when agencies acknowledge that many young people are sexually active before entering high school and permissively seeking experiences well beyond the boundaries of the 'sexually liberated' baby boomer generation. These comments do not excuse corrupt or morally bankrupt behaviour of any genre, but be realistic, technically speaking the charges may relate to evidence wherein a legal minor has masqueraded as being older than their biological age. It could also be that police have baited an individual in this technically 'grey' area to achieve a congratulatory pat on the back for a job well done. Its not the first time in recent history that the bigots and politically righteous have deemed themselves to be the custodians of morality.

  31. If a person is to be punished he/she must first be found guilty. To be found guilty there must be a fair trial. To get a fair trial the jury must be impartial. For the jury to be impartial the jurors should not be influenced by the media or hysterical assumptions. Lindy Chamberlain was innocent. The US has regularly executed convicted murderers later found to be innocent through better investigation techniques (DNA evidence). The lynch mob should pull their heads in and let justice be done.

  32. Fair enough point ! leave the lynching till the charges are clear and the evidence is laid out for all to see. Then by all means cease the 'natural justice ' agenda and let the cards fall where they may. Let's restore some order and insist upon less self indulgent behaviour in society, and the reward will be that we all be richer for it. A less selfish but more socially considerate society. How utopian !

  33. I'm afraid the bias against the ALP is showing up in neon lights in one particular blogger's post. I don't want to destabilize your world view but I regret to inform you that pedos don't only inhabit the catholic church and the ALP but all churches, all institutions and through all tiers of society. It is a well know fact that the majority of perpetrators don't come in the form of the mysterious, creepy, desire driven stranger, but from with the supposed sanctuary of the family home. Its prudent to look within before you look out. Teach the young and the vulnerable to be aware and to acknowledge their own warning signs. Thats the way to go. Empowerment and self determination used in a responsible and socially minded manner can retard the intent of these predators and bring them to the awareness of other people who can more easily assess their motives.

  34. This ties in nicely with what another minister had to leave politics due to the things he wanted to say but it all got quashed. And he said there's big people involved. Makes you think don't it virtualy vindication i would say and it's been a long wait how many more of these monsters are there?

    Take a look at this bible bashing freaks ladder climb of politics.

    From nothing to legislature in no time wow he was a union tea boy and did a bachelor of arts.

    Yes yes lets put him in the upper house fine up standing fellow pffft i spit on the.

    These are the sort of wankers we have representing the publics interests?

    Fair dinkum we can't afford to have this $hit going on.

    Next election of any sort MAKE IT COUNT!

    Because otherwise we're gooing to keep getting landed with ex union drop kicks or arty farties who have NFI how business or industry or people as a population live on a daily basis.

    These morons just wan't more and more money then they just go squander it all on crap half the time.

    The true reason they have a supression order is because of the deep shame and dishonour Labor are feeling quickly media Mike better run to AA and do some damage control.

  35. Good poings made prior about mr F being a patsi.
    Take a look at his bio on the .gov website and look what he's been involved in.
    Hmmm a lot of dirty laundry especially now with Forrests SA.
    Funny how 2006 and now he's been assigned to certain tasks.
    Just the whole time line is very interesting who gets put where when they want things done. And that goes for any party you just have to watch yes minister to be one up on the poli's latelly paytv has been in synch eeeeek.

  36. "The lynch mob should pull their heads in and let justice be done".

    There's only one problem with that.

    See what happened with E.M lately?

    It's amazing what can be done when your in the old boy network.

    Things previously thought impossible to the every day person magicly become reality when your a member.

    Justice has all ready been hushed as has the public oooo we musn't speak of such things.

    Why because it's a member of parliament yet anyone else would be named.

    Think back to the last time we seen this happen locally ummmmmm geee that'd be that nasty chante bang bang loo loo affair business.

    Nah it must be a co incidence i must be mistaken :P

  37. *fly on the wall in MR's office.

    No police minister !! oh PUGLIA!!! yes maybe it is a bit soon to re appoint some one.

    No one will want the port folio except for that Coo Koo ca Ch oh whats his name?

    You know the one runs red lights all the time.

    HiM! He'll do OMG who's not on holidays someones got to be responsible for these dodgey speed cameras.

    Cuein behindcloseddoors.cda

  38. Researching my family tree yesterday I found my ggg grandmother was raped as a child aged 12 and the offender also
    attempted to rape her 10 year old sister. The culprit went to trial, found guilty and was hanged before the month was out. That's swift justice we don't see anymore = July 1823.

  39. Should just shoot them or put them in main stream jail then when 1 or 2 of them are bashed maybe these sum bags might learn that if they fuck up they wont be protected for there crimes but punished!

  40. As this MP's alleged crime is not related to his job as politician, I hope the tax payers will not be funding his hefty, forthcoming legal expenses.

  41. May be its high time the public organize themselves. Remember when a past federal government wanted to foist the "Australian card " on the public. People who were mindful of freedom and less government control rallied in huge numbers in Victoria Square. This visible agnst repelled this obscene plan to have people tracked. In just about every social gathering I hear people claim dismay at the level of violence and crime in the SA community yet the law makers bleat success in reducing crime statistics. A big 'fart' to that ! Any tosser knows that child murder, dismembered bodies, granny murders in Adelaide, homes being burnt down to settle trivial arguments while people sleep are all examples of a system that supports the violent and evil minded and further mobilizes the bleeding heart brigade to propose even more leniency in social system support. Bring back capital punishment for crimes like throwing your child off one of the highest bridges in the land, and make it QUICK. Rid our midst of these vermin and restore some real care and regard for others back into the fabric of Australian society.

  42. Soon as both things hit the news, it would be hard not to be able to put two and two together. Unlike Media Mikey, he expected us to get three or four and a quarter. I think Media Mikey is the real dumb arse in this situation. It just goes to show what he really thinks of South Aussies.

  43. While most of know that arrogant Ranns days are numbered, it is not he that can suppress names..politician or not. It is the judicial system itself which while self serving and corrupt in its power retains some authority over boundaries and justice being seen to be carried out. Yes it stinks in Adelaide politics at the moment but just like Melbourne there has always been a strong old boys club doing back room favours for the rich and powerful in this city. Scratch my back Kev..I'll rub the cream on your smacked in face.Ha !!

  44. "Technically speaking the charges may relate to evidence wherein a legal minor has masqueraded as being older than their biological age."

    Yeah, but some of the charges are "aggravated," meaning there was knowledge that the child was under the age of 16. That adds two years to the sentence, if convicted.

  45. I suspected him especially as the media reported the same day that he had resigned

  46. Yes, Finnigan has resigned- but only from the cabinet and not parliament.

  47. Becsuse he needs the cash for michael abbott QC

  48. The Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper named Finnigan in its Good Friday edition yesterday. They took a risk but because of the holiday the Herald Sun is unlikely to be sold in the City of Churches, and most likely the news vendors at Adelaide airport did not stock it.

    Suppression orders are useless. For example Underbelly's first year on TV still cannot be shown in Victoria. Many Victorians have bought the DVDs interstate, and a well known blog told Victorians how they could illegally download it from torrent sites.

    Derryn Hinch faces jail for naming pedophiles. He's a good man and should be supported. He has cancer and it may be terminal. I would hate Derryn to spend his last days in a penitentiary. Derryn has done a lot of good things and is one of the best jocks on radio, and I hope he has a Happy Easter and that he will recover from his serious illness and it will not be terminal.

  49. I have noticed a lot of people here condemning this site in naming the MP. Can I remind you all of a man named Tom Easling. He was a carer who was charged for sexual offences and subsequenty found not guilty. The dept of Families (ranns Labor party that is) tipped off the media when he was arrested. Karma has finally come around for the Labor Party!

  50. Easling’s successful legal defence, financed by a wealthy sibling who picked up the tab of nearly $2 million, with the lawyers’ meter still running, turned on dismantling the departmental investigation that unearthed much of the evidence police relied on to charge him, then shredding the credibility of the complainants in court.
    Easling insists he is entitled to call himself a wronged and innocent man. But that is not the way South Australia’s combative Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras QC sees it. “If I ever get any other case in which eight complainants make a complaint against an individual, I will prosecute that case,” Pallaras says. “Because not only does my duty require me to do so but I would think that the community would expect me to do so.”
    Others involved in the investigations, some speaking for the first time of these events to The Australian, are equally unapologetic.
    “I don’t think he’s got anything to complain about … if you take him at his word, the system worked … he was acquitted,” one insider says.
    Another declares: “Frankly, I think Tom Easling is the luckiest man in Adelaide.”

  51. Sadly, the labor party brought this un-elected guy in.

    Sorry, Liberals... you also need to check out your own "youthful generation" guys.

    Sadly, the old folks think it's only about being young... which is how we ended up with Bernie... and other party-backed twits.

  52. Shame on the ALP in Good old SA...

  53. Fair go..It isnt only the ALP in S.A. affected by corrupt self serving agendas. The liberals have employed those tactics since the ruling class first sipped their 'gilt edge' and claimed superiority over the rest of us. Furthermore, for those of us with the memory span of life experience lets not forget the woeful performance of Joh Bjelke Peterson's conservative government in Queensland. The fact is all political parties are self serving and biased towards their own philosophical base. In my view the only contemporary politician worth his salt is Nick Xenophon who has the guts to stand tall on issues and assess all legislative proposals on their merits. Well done Nick ! A big brickbat to the rest of the clowns who simply follow the party line.

  54. Adelaide media are cleverly reporting that the unamed MP is still being pressured to resign. Finnigan has resigned from the Executive Council and Cabinet but is still a member of the Legislative Council. Therefore media scribes can say that he has not yet resigned which is confusing many in SA who think that it is he who has been charged with child porn offences and appears to have resigned. Even with the pixellation in place it was obvious that it was Finnigan due to his tall stature and wide girth. The suppression laws need an overhaul!

  55. In the mid seventies Labor (Dunstan) legalised "Adult Shops". This included sale of all the Scandinavian child porn. Yes, that's right, SA used to have the legal sale of child porn. It was several years before the act was amended to ban the sale, even longer for the possession of this material to be outlawed. And who was the media manager for the government who put the spin on everything? Mike Rann! Anyone remember Labor or Rann being outraged back then about their legalisation of child porn????

  56. Mike Rann sickens me to the stomach

  57. I think Rann's fans are decreasing in number at a rapid rate of knots. The arrogance and the ignorance of of this man and his bunch of jockeys is sickening to most of us. In the midst of a mining boom we have gained an extended tram line to nowhere, an arterial road underpass and plans to destroy the much touted "prettiest cricket ground in the world " Where is the money and the growth that charaterized Western Australia's mining boom ? What a bunch of self congratulated bozos. What a stuff up !

  58. From the white pages,
    Finnigan B V
    08) 8725 2248
    10 Crouch St North, Mt Gambier SA 5290
    Is this really his home address?

    on Wikipedia
    Says his middle name is Vincent.

  59. The house the media went to was #39 in North Eastern suburbs not #10 in Mt Gambier!

  60. There are statements indicating that the Heiner Affair was a cover up of Pedophilia. A lot of information on:

  61. Good choice Don

  62. why is the lack of a real job or education being used against bernie ? isn't the seriousness of the charges enough ? if the lack of a real job or education was a handicap then obama wouldn't be president of the USA now. he was a union lackey and has never held a real job outside the presidency.

  63. Always thought he was weird, I was proved right.

  64. Why is this fat fuck still being paid a parliamentary salary? Whats that worth? Around $3000.00 a fortnight after tax!! Thats What! How does this asshole get given Bail? Oh yeh he's in a position of power like Police Officers and Judges and Lawyers. Anyone else in this position is fucked straight away, no bail and no salary from your job. MPs Government figures a license to do what you want when you want. Wonder if he was part of that Family At All. You know the one where Steve Williams went missing???

  65. Aaron Fornarino has said under "F, B.V." which is none other than Bernie Vincent Finnigan. All on if you want the whole scoop

  66. the suburb in the North East was Sefton Park

  67. the labourites in sa gov wanted a catholic theocracy running the state like out of the dark ages this is 2011 thats the end of those ideas thank god that eccentic catholic labour ex attorney general aitkens knows all about it and them some good ridance i say the old catholic church aint what it use to be aint what it use to be the old

  68. the labourites in sa gov wanted a catholic theocracy running the state like out of the dark ages this is 2011 thats the end of those ideas thank god that eccentric catholic labour ex attorney general aitkens knows all about it and them some good ridance i say the old catholic church aint what it use to be aint what it use to be the old

  69. Looks like he's facing additional charges.

  70. This fat piece of shit is still on the payroll of Sa parliament. What a joke.

  71. Sicko. That's why they call Adelaide the sinister city.

  72. Absolute slander how many politicians get this handed to them and exploited. Innocent until proven guilty hasn't been charged yet. Yet people exploit on the Internet and wouldn't the resignation have something to do with his catholic background.

  73. Michael Abbot managed to also have a Magistrate found 'not guilty' of pedophilia charges because it could not be proven in hindsight what age the child/children were at the time. Same sham - fancy foot working the law- different year. Trying it all over again so these sleezebags are available to do it all over again

  74. I studied with him at Adelaide University and know him. Never have I known a more egocentric lack lustre personality. How on earth he was ever elected I do not know. He got a job in a union and then preselection. Just an odd loser. His weight and personality show what a waste of space he is!
