
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Villawood Detention Centre Destroyed

When nine asylum seekers on Christmas Island got a letter from the government, saying their application for asylum was rejected, they set fire to buildings, threw bombs at police and almost destroyed the facility. The trouble-makers were flown out and guess where they sent them? Yes, they sent them to the Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney. Last night they destroyed that facility too.

Firefighters were pelted with roof tiles and furniture and couldn't get inside the centre to fight the fire so the buildings burnt to the ground. They had to wait for the Police riot squad to arrive, but by that time, it was too late.

As one disaster follows another, the Labor Party's handling of this situation is out of control and Immigration Minister Chris Bowen doesn't seem to know what to do about it. The best he could come up with was "Australians have a right to be angry, I share their anger". Whooppee. If they have been rejected, why are they still here and how many appeals do they get? Nine buildings were destroyed, including a computer room, kitchen and a medical centre, imagine how much it's going to cost to replace them.

Enter the bleeding heart brigade. Human rights worker Marion Le says the night's violence shouldn't be blamed on the asylum seekers. Of course not, it's really our fault, but we knew that all along. Oh yes and what nationality were the thugs involved? Three Kurds, two Iranians and 8 Afghans - all members of the religion of peace.


  1. We used to say that Australians were too lay back to get riled up over much, after all this was the lucky country. "She'll be right mate !" How times have changed. I don't see it as the lucky country any more! I see it as a place quickly losing democratic freedoms and increasingly constrained by layer upon layer of institutionalized law in all levels of government. Despite this and the eroding power inherent in natural justice we continue to invite this illegal and dysfunctional behaviour in our comfortable detention centres, and then reward it with our never ending empathy. When will we learn that this approach is trading our very essence of being one nation, one people united by common values and instead choosing to replace it with this fractured set of religious convictions, historically aggrieved ideologies and contrived sensitivities which demand priority. This is the essence of the problem. Lets have well considered steady migration by all means, but maintain sovereign right to determine the make up of our society and not be compelled to adopt this flawed multi cultural model. After all it is the invisible beuracrats who have lurked in the corridors of power behind successive elected governments that have attended successive United Nations conventions, falsely represented the Australian people and voted to adopt the successfully pedalled agenda of those with a puritanical but socially naive understanding of the world. At school I learned this phrase " Those who fail to learn from the lessons of history are destined to repeat it" Failure to address the changing face of Australia will only come back to haunt us when there is a shortage of commodities in future, be it energy, food or or relating to water scarcity. At this time in the future the population will congregate and divide along lines of social, religious or cultural ideology, whether we like it or not. It is then that the apathetic Aussie may well wish that they had fought for the country that they have already foolishly surrendered.

  2. So here we are Easter Saturday morning and another boat load of potential hopefuls arrive illegally. And why wouldnt they...It is so easy.. Why doesnt this gutless government confront the demon and slay it ? Otherwise get real stop taking the public to be gullible fools and just open airports. Roll out the welcome mat.. Forget security and consideration for the social makeup of this once magical land. Come one..Come all.. Its yours for the taking.. We are having a party, and its a free for all. ! What a bunch of useless asses ! Can someone just initiate karma, stab Julia in the back in the dark of night and destabilise this pathetic minority government.
