
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Netanyahu is a liar says Sarkozy

What world leaders said in private at the G20 summit in Cannes last week was accidentally overheard by journalists after it was transmitted over a system used for translation.

President Sarkozy said of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “I can’t stand him anymore, he’s a liar” and President Obama replied “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.” President Obama is reported to have chastised Sarkozy for not informing the US of their intention to vote in favour of Palestinian membership in UN cultural agency UNESCO.

The journalists who overheard the exchange had a meeting and decided not to report the conversation because it was considered private and off the record but today, the whole world knows about it. The French are angry with Netanyahu’s ongoing Jewish settlement building on occupied Palestinian land and believe it’s holding up peace talks.

That makes me wonder what side France would be on in the event of a war with Iran but French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said "In his speech at the United Nations General Assembly the president (Sarkozy) said very clearly that if Israel's security was in question, we would be on Israel's side."

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