
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tiger Woods hurt by racist slur

Tiger Woods’ ex caddie Steve Williams attended an awards dinner in Shangai on Friday night and was receiving a tongue-in-cheek award for “celebration of the year” when he made a comment about his ex boss – Tiger Woods - that stunned the audience. He said “It was my aim to shove it up that black arsehole.”

When the Kiwi woke the next morning to find find that the British press had leapt on the remark and beamed it around the world, he was embarrassed, and so he should be. It’s hard to imagine how this man, who has rubbed shoulders with elite golfers all his life, could be so stupid.

He released a statement yesterday "I apologise for comments I made last night at the annual caddie awards dinner in Shanghai, players and caddies look forward to this evening all year and the spirit is always joking and fun.” He went on "I now realise how my comments could be construed as racist. However, I assure you that was not my intent. I sincerely apologise to Tiger and anyone else I have offended."

A member of the audience who was there that night said yesterday in the Daily Mail "Never have you been in a room and seen so many jaws drop - we knew Williams was an idiot, but we didn't know he was a racist idiot - I was standing next to a European Tour official who said, 'Thank God he is not on our tour'."

Williams is obviously still very bitter about being sacked just before this year's British Open in July. He caddied for Woods for 12 years and stood by him during his extramarital affairs but nobody knows why he was dropped. Three years ago at a dinner banquet in New Zealand, Williams made another rude remark about Phil Mickelson and again, claimed it was all in fun but Woods made him apologise to Mickelson.

Tiger said they talked this morning and although he was hurt by the comment he accepted his apology and they shook hands. Woods admitted he did not understand how his relationship with Williams had deteriorated so rapidly but they have both now moved on. Tiger will start the Open as equal favourite with Williams' new boss Adam Scott. It should be an event worth watching.

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