
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Paedophiles Peter Truong and Mark Newton jailed

In 2010, ABC journalist Ginger Gorman wanted to do a story about how the homosexual community were discriminated against by heterosexual society. 

Out of scores of emails she received, she chose nine different stories, one of which was about a homosexual couple and their adorable 5 year old son.  She called it "Two dads are better than one" and portrayed Mark Newton and Peter Truong as model fathers who were bringing up a happy, well-adjusted child, even without a mother.

She visited their home in Queensland, met the child and took some pictures of him with his fathers, holding a baby chicken and she featured it on the front page of her project's web page on the ABC. This picture (above) is the one used by news organizations all around the world.

American-born Mark Newton 42 and his partner Peter Truong 36 wanted a child of their own so they paid a Russian woman $8,000 to be their surrogate, using Newton's sperm.  They wanted the child for the sole purpose of allowing men around the world to sexually abuse him. In one video, Newton performs a sex act on the baby when he was less than 2 weeks old.

They travelled the world, offering him to men, recording the abuse, and putting it on Boy Lovers Network, considered by hardened child abuse experts to be the sickest paedophile ring in the world.

In June, Newton was sentenced to forty years and yesterday, US Judge Sarah Evans Barker sentenced Truong to thirty years.  A deal was struck with prosecutors because he promised to lead police to other paedophiles.  He was also sexually abused as a child.

But there was another reason both men went to trial at the district court level - to avoid subjecting a jury to repulsive images that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.  "What can be said" the judge said "What can be done to erase some of the horror of this?"

It's hard to imagine how this child will ever recover enough to lead a normal life.  His fathers brainwashed him into believing the abuse was normal and trained him never to speak to anyone else about what was happening to him.

Oh how civilized we have become, no death penalty any more for vermin such as this, we must pay to keep both men alive, humanely, and in relative comfort, for the rest of their lives.  

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