
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Stolen Generation stops adoption

The Stolen Generations is the name given to the Aboriginal and Torres Islander children taken away, forcibly removed or made wards of the state by the assimilation policies of successive Commonwealth, State and Territory  governments of Australia.

Political correctness is a terrible thing.  Neglected children of Tennant Creek are being denied a good home with white families because of the "Stolen Generation."  There was a law introduced that would ensure it never happened again, and although it outlines a definite truth, nevertheless, it has denied generations of children the right to a better life.

It reads:  It is the role and the right of parents everywhere to pass on their beliefs, knowledge, customs, language, law ... to their children. In that way the culture of a group lives on and its distinctiveness, too, and consequently, the pride of the people who own it. The role and the rights of parents and families in this can become endangered when other institutions take over aspects of handing on a heritage.

Australia's first indigenous leader, NT Chief Minister, Adam Giles, said some months ago that he was going to remove neglected kids from their parents and adopt them out to white families, if necessary.

He was appalled to learn that only one Aboriginal child was adopted over the past decade. "There are decent, loving people out there who want to adopt, who will raise that child in a loving environment" he said.  "You mean to tell me when we've got all these alleged cases of chronic child sexual abuse, children running around on petrol, going on the streets at night sexualizing themselves and there's only one permanent adoption for fear of the Stolen Generation? That's not standing up for kids."

But the Northern Territory Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation were horrified by his idea of adoption.  They are sticking to their guns and insist that long-term harm is caused by Aboriginal children being removed from their families.

So there we have it, a standoff that's likely to continue indefinitely until the indigenous people who have the power, change their minds. Adam Giles wants to help the kids by putting them in good homes with Australian families, and the Aboriginal people themselves won't allow it.

And that's where we are today.  After all this time, the kids of Tennant Creek are still wandering around town, surviving the best way they know how, while white families are lining up, willing to take them in and offer the chance of a better life.

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