Sunday, October 31, 2010
Boy on a Whale

Highest IQ in the World

When he got home to Korea, he decided to switch from physics to civil engineering and eventually received a doctorate in that field. He has published about 90 papers on hydraulics in scientific journals and he also serves as adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University.
And he also has the added talent of humility.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Zahra Baker - Little Girl Lost in America
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Australian Soldiers Returning Home from Afghanistan

Bill Shorten
Bill Shorten, Assistant Treasurer, is well connected, he's the son-in-law of the Governor General, Ms Quentin Bryce. Yesterday during the parliamentary debate on the Afghanistan war, he made the point that the Defence Force must be prepared for diggers returning home with psychological disorders.

He said there is much high-blown rhetoric about support for our troops and the troops believe it. While funerals for diggers killed in action are receiving high profile attention, soldiers returning with wounds require special care and that includes those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
When The Rains Came

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How To Be Happy
Harvard University Lecturer Shawn Achor has written a book called "The Happiness Advantage". He says positive thinkers have a biological advantage over people who are neutral or negative. Here are some tips from his book.
Metitate - Research shows that regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise levels of happiness, lower stress and even improve immune function.
Find something to look forward to - maybe a night out or weekend away or plan a holiday for the future. Anticipating future rewards can actually light up the pleasure centres in your brain.
Be kind - research shows that giving to others decreases stress and contributes to enhanced mental health.
Pictures - surround yourself with photos of people you love both at home and work.
Exercise - is not just a powerful mood lifter but also a long lasting one. Run, walk, ride, play, stretch, skip, jump, it doesn't matter, as long as you get moving.
Spending money - not on useless "stuff" but worthwhile experiences like a night out with friends or a concert or a live show. Spending money on friends and family also makes us happy.
Exercise your strengths - to learn what your top strengths are, take the test on http://www.viasurvey.org/. Pick one of your strengths and use it in a different way every day. Studies show that the more you use your signature strengths in daily life, the happier you will become.
I have done the survey and can recommend it - it not only makes you aware of how you think, it's good to see what your positive strengths are, something we all possess.
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor is published by Virgin Books and out in November.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Australian Greens

The Greens are emerging as a real alternative political party in Australia, instead of two major parties we now have three. It was the Greens who decided to have a debate about the Afghanistan war, they say the majority of Australians are against the war and I believe it. We want to be consulted before our government jumps in and commits our country to fight people we have no issue with, just because America thinks it's a good idea at the time. The same goes for euthanasia, both parties are afraid to touch the subject but the Greens want it put on the table. Then there's the banks who have been ripping us off for years and announcing bigger and bigger profits - the Greens want to put the hard word on them, something Labor and the Coalaition refuse to do. So you can't blame people for thinking that this party is a better alternative.
But there are Green policies I don't agree with, one being to let all asylum seekers in, give them immediate visas and sign them up for Centrelink benefits. So I will never vote for them.
In today's Herald Nielson poll, Labor's primary vote is down a considerable 4 percentage points, from 38 to 34 percent. It means Labor has lost the votes of about half a million people in two months since the election. Of those, half appear to have gone to the Greens. If it persists, it will destroy Labor permanently as a party able to govern in its own right and force it into permanent dependency - or perhaps a coalition - with the Greens.
I get the feeling Labor is struggling to survive and Tony Abbott has said the Coalition must be ready to govern at short notice. Will Labor merge with the Greens and form a Coalition? Interesting times in Canberra.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Matthew Appleby Disappearance

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Deadly Ambush in Afghanistan

Rob Maylor, former Australian SAS soldier and elite marksman has written a book 'SAS Sniper' to be released next week. It's the true story of front line action in Northern Ireland, Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. He tells the story of his years at the front lines, from his early service with the Royal Marines in Northern Ireland then from 2003 in the elite Australian SAS. As one of Australia's most highly trained and successful combat snipers, he saw action in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan where he won medals for gallantry in some of the heaviest fighting in the conflict.
In the book, he writes about a deadly ambush in Afghanistan and how the Dutch left them for dead. A combined Australian, American and Afghan patrol was ambushed by 150 Taliban when two attack helicopters arrived nearby. As the troops were pounded by enemy mortar, small arms and grenades near the village of Khaz Oruzgan, they thought they had been saved by the Apache helicopters.
The patrol's air-strike co-ordinator told the Dutch pilots by radio "We are in an absolute doozey of a shitfight - we need your assistance and we are taking casualties". But the pilots refused to drop under their safe height of 5000m, despite the fact Apaches are armour-plated and designed to operate under heavy fire at low altitude. "They wouldn't open up on the Taliban for fear they might draw some fire themselves" Maylor said who suffered serious shrapnel wounds during the battle.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Kings Cross Injecting Room, Sydney Australia
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Parents Pimp 12 year old Daughter

Tasmanian Education Minister Lin Thorp has already admitted the state's protection system had failed the child. But in order to proceed with the case, the girl doesn't have money for psychiatric and medical reports necessary to prove the extent of her suffering which could cost around $10,000, hence the appeal for help.
After just one day, Mr Browne said the public appeal had received "fantastic and wonderful response". Any excess monies will be secured in a trust fund for her future. I wonder what punishment a judge would deem sufficient for a mother who exploited her child in this way. The mind boggles.
The mind boggles.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Snobbery of Steak

You can see why a lot more people are learning to cook and eating at home because some restaurants are getting away with murder, their prices are way over the top. Would you pay $79 for a steak? Well that's how much it costs at a new eatery in The Rocks - The Cut Bar and Grill. Reviewer Terry Durack writes a report on the new steak house.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Carl Williams Murder Enquiry

Saturday, October 16, 2010
David Hicks - Australian Terrorist

Friday, October 15, 2010
Murray Darling Basin Fear Sets In

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Murray Darling Basin

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Australian Muslim Preacher calls for beheading of Geert Wilders

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tony Abbott Still Furious with Julia Gillard

Monday, October 11, 2010
Tony Abbott Visits Troops in Afghanistan

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Scottish Care Worker Linda Norgrove

Linda Norgrove grew up in a traditional croft in the Outer Hebrides where her parents kept cattle. They were charity workers and took her and her sister on holidays to developing countries when she was growing up. As a result of their work, she developed a sense of wanting to help others. She got a first class degree in environmental science from Aberdeen University and earned a distinction for her master's degree at London University.
Geert Wilders on Trial

Friday, October 8, 2010
Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder

The funeral of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder was a sad day for America. It's hard to understand how people can be so cruel in the name of Jesus Christ. The father of a young man who died for his country should have expected support and kindness on one of the worst days of his life - his son's funeral - but he didn't get it. Instead he was met with angry people waving placads that said 'Thank God for dead soldiers". There's really not much difference between them and the devout, religious extremist followers of Islam.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Why are Labor Staffers Leaving?
Muslim Man Marries English Girl

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Rob Oakeshott

Monday, October 4, 2010
Stonehenge - A Shrine for Healing?

Druidism Now Recognised Religion in UK

The Druids were a Celtic pagan faith that came to power in Europe thousands of years ago. Now Britain has recognised Druidry as an official religion for the first time and they share the same status as the Church of England.
A druid was a member of the priestly, elitist class in Gaul (present day France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Holland and Germany and possibly other parts of Celtic Europe during the Iron Age). When the Romans invaded and conquered Gaul, the Druids were suppressed. Very little is known about them because they didn't leave any written records - the little we do know came from Greek and Roman authors. Not one single artefact or image has ever been found that can be connected with certainty to the Druids. In Ireland, they were portrayed as sorcerers from the dark side who opposed Christianity. They were known to perform human sacrifice and believe in a form of reincarnation.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Julia Gillard Visits Troops in Afghanistan

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Christina Keneally Looks to Federal Politics

Peter Garrett had better watch his back - Christina Keneally is looking to Federal politics. If she loses the state election, and please God, she will, those powerbrokers are at it again, thinking up ways to get her to Canberra.
And guess where they are looking, yes you guessed it, Peter Garrett's seat of Kingsford Smith. I'll never forget how this man was maligned by the whole country as being cruel and uncaring about the deaths of the young men who died in the insulation bat debacle. We didn't find out until after it was all over that he had repeatedly tried to see Kevin Rudd about safety issues to no avail. Kevin had hung him out to dry. You have to give it to the man, he didn't try to save his reputation by leaking what really happened to the media, he took the distain of the country with stoicism and dignity.
But getting back to the subject of Christina. An unnamed Labor source said yesterday "It would be hard for the NSW heavies to remove Peter. Firstly they would be mad to knock off a cabinet minister - one retained by Julia Gillard in her new government and secondly - Garrett is very popular within the party; thirdly he has strong support in the branches. But some of these blokes have form when it comes to doing mad things - you only have to look at the election campaign."

Julie Gillard's First 100 Days
Some members of the Canberra press seem to think that the Opposition camp isn't a very happy one at the moment. Peter Slipper's move to take on the Deputy Speaker's job was a shock out of the blue and the relationship between Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Spokesman Andrew Robb, seems to be deteriorating.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sydney Hospital Crisis