Qantas CEO Alan Joyce went to the Marrickville electorate office of Transport Minister Anthony Albanese on Friday, October 21, to warn of the looming crisis. He showed him the books to prove what would happen to Qantas if the unions continued with their demands. Nothing happened and negotiations with the union continued to stall.
Last Saturday morning at 10.30am the Qantas board gave unanimous approval for Joyce’s plan to give 72 hours notice of a lock-out of striking unions and to ground the airline. At 2pm Qantas group executive Olivia Wirth called Julia Gillard’s chief of staff and told him that Qantas CEO Alan Joyce was standing by to talk to the Prime Minister. He wanted to give the PM advanced warning of his intention to ground the entire fleet and a chance to call the unions off and declare all future industrial action illegal. But she refused to take his call and didn’t bother calling him back.
With Gadafy dead, the question now is who will run the country – Islamists or secular Liberals? On Saturday, the de facto prime minister Mahmoud Jibril said progress would depend on what kind of resolve the National Transitional Council (NTC) will show in the next few days and what the Libyan people want. Jibril also warned that Libya needed to find alternative sources of income because the country had already consumed 62 per cent of its oil under Gadafy.
NTC Chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil made it clear in his speech yesterday that Islam would play an important part in Libya’s future. “This revolution was blessed by God to achieve victory,” Jalil, who is considered devout but moderate, told the crowd. “And we must go on the right path.”
Libya, he said, would be a state where Sharia law would be the “fundamental source” of legislation and any existing legislation that contradicted Islamic principles would be immediately annulled.” He added the new state will not disallow polygamy and charging interest will be forbidden.
The Internet hacktivist group Anonymous have closed down 40 websites and exposed alleged pedophiles who use the sites for sharing child pornography. They have released usernames and other information of 1,589 people trading or watching kiddie porn.
The Anonymous campaign began on October 14 when some of its members were browsing a darknet site called Hidden Wiki which is an index containing hundreds of underground websites that can’t be seen by search engines or viewed by regular internet users.
They found a hidden Wiki listing called “Hard Candy” dedicated to links to child pornography. Most of the pedophile-content sites listed on the Hidden Wiki, “shared a digital fingerprint with the shared hosting server at Freedom Hosting.” The AnonMessage and BecomeAnonymous YouTube channels both posted videos with statements of intent to hunt, skin and kill pedobears everywhere, starting with Freedom Hosting.
They released this statement on Pastebin:
The owners and operators at Freedom Hosting are openly supporting child pornography and enabling pedophiles to view innocent children, fueling their issues and putting children at risk of abduction, molestation, rape and death. For this, Freedom Hosting has been declared #OpDarknet Enemy Number One. By taking down Freedom Hosting, we are eliminating 40+ child pornography websites, among these is Lolita City, one of the largest child pornography websites to date containing more than 100 GB of child pornography. We will continue to not only crash Freedom Hosting’s server, but any other server we find to contain, promote, or support child pornography.
Anonymous extended the threats beyond the cluster of Hidden Wiki’s index:
Remove all child pornography content from your servers. Refuse to provide hosting services to any website dealing with child pornography.
Gaddafi's body has been put on display in a freezer at a shopping centre while authorities argue about where to bury him. Now that the mad dog is dead, what will happen to his frozen investments thought to be worth around $168 billion?
In August the United Nations Security Council approved an immediate infusion of $1.5 billion that the U.S. had seized to provide basic services, especially electricity. But there’s a problem – some countries don’t want to give it back and it will be hard to trace, hidden away in secret accounts. And if they do find it, who are they going to give it to? It’s possible that survivors from the Gaddafi ruling elite, including members of the family, will be able to get hold of the money to fund revolutionary activity in Libya.
With the Lockerbie bombing still fresh in our memory, he didn't suffer enough for some and his murder without trial was too quick. Now the Libyan sovereign wealth fund will be needed to rebuild the infrastructure NATO blew up.