Ricky Gervais doesn’t run with the pack. He won’t marry Jane Fallon, his girlfriend of 29 years because he said “there’s no point in us having an actual ceremony before the eyes of God because there is no god.” And he doesn’t want children because he believes there are far too many children in the world already and he and Jane “didn’t fancy dedicating 16 years of our lives.”
He is a member of the National Secular Society, a British organisation promoting secularism and the separation of church and state. Ricky believes that no one should gain advantage or disadvantage because of their religion or lack of it, especially in poitics. He also abhors fox hunting and bull fighting and wrote to Gordon Brown asking him to stop using black bear fur to make caps for the Foot Guards. He lives in Hampstead but also has a second home in Manhattan.
But Ricky Gervais is back because he’s good value for money. In 2009 before he took over as host for the Golden Globes, 15 million watched the show, last year there were 17 million and this year, because of the controversy, who knows?
The HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association) were reluctant to bring him back, they thought some of his comments were offensive. Billy Crystal knew how to carefully poke fun at some of the richest, and most pampered people in the world, but last year Ricky implied that Angelina Jolie’s movie The Tourist was rubbish.
"Am I nervous?" he was asked. "No, everything I say, I can justify it, I can stand by it, as I do every joke I did last year, then I don't care. I don't care if you're offended."
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