The recent sentencing of home-grown Islamic terrorists has created an even wider division between Australians and the Muslim community. And we will never forget the gang rapes committed by 14 Lebanese men led by Bilal Skaf. Then we were told that Sheik Hilali has told his congregation that immodestly dressed women were like "uncovered meat" and joked about the infamous rapes. That's when the Lebanese Muslim Association realised that the imams at the Lakemba Mosque were having an adverse influence over their young people and made sure that any future imams were to stay apolitical. "If they are not going to shape up, they'll be shipped out because immeasurable damage has been caused as a result of their media commentary and doublespeak", a Muslim Association member said.
Now Sheik Yahya Safi, the imam at the Lakemba Mosque has decided to hold an Open Day tomorrow so the public can learn what the Islamic faith is all about. Sydney's largest Mosque caters for 1000 people who pray there every day and for Friday Prayers, the official day of worship for the Islamic faith, there can be up to 5,000 worshipers.
If you attend the open day, you will take a tour of the Mosque and get to question the Sheik who says he's a little more moderate than past sheiks. If it's his idea for the Open Day then it's a very good one. He wants to show that they are trying to assimilate and his aim is for his people to practice the real Islam. "When people have a bad idea about you, you need to give them the right idea, we want them to understand who we really are and what our religion is about" he said.
The Lakemba Mosque is at 65-67 Wangee Road Lakemba. Tomorrow's open day is from 10am until 5pm.
Footnote: Addressing an Open Day at Lakemba Mosque on Saturday, the President of the Australian Islamic Mission, Zachariah Matthews wants to introduce Sharia law into Australia. The comments shocked Australians attending the open day. Under Sharia law, women have been stoned to death and corporal punishment is rife.
"I wasn't talking about Sharia law in its entirely - we are not calling for the introduction of the penal system which calls for cutting off hands" he said.
I can't believe it, here was an opportunity for the Muslim community to show their wish to assimilate with Australian society and that's how they handled it. I give up.