When it was pointed out that the air in the Rocky Mountains has little moisture, which speeds up decompotion, she said she had the windows open many times, but the flies and insects just wouldn't go near the food. She said "If flies ignore a Happy Meal and microbes don't decompost it, then your child's body can't properly metabolise it either. Now you know why it's called junk food".

David Smith, a former rugy player used to weigh 15 stone until a ruptured Achilles tendon forced him to leave the Army. Twleve years later at age 38, he weighed nearly 20 stone and ate lots of Big Macs with extra chips before dinner.
These two pictures of visceral fat are interesting, I'd never heard of it before. It's the internal fatty tissue that wraps itself around the heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas and streaks through the muscles. And it's very dangerous - it looks like an inert lump of lard but it's constantly pumping poisons into the bloodstream. When he changed to a low fat diet and started moderate exercise, almost a litre of this horrible stuff simply disappeared.
I must admit I love McDonald hamburgers, fries and my favourite - hot applie pie. But now that I'm watching my weight, they are no longer on the menue. It's just a shame that most fast foods taste so darned good - fatty, unhealthy food is simply very hard to resist.
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