Could this be the face of Jesus? Computer artists have come up with this image using information and blood encoded on the Shroud of Turin. The results will be shown on the History Channel tonight in the US. But according to the company that made the image, Studio Macbeth, it does not resemble the face we are familiar with - the picture of Jesus we have in our minds is nothing like this man.
Ray Downing, President of Studio Macbeth, said that because the shroud was wrapped around, rather than laid on top, the blood was transferred to the cloth as it was wrapped around the body, making the job more difficult.

'I have a lot of information about that face and my estimation is we are pretty darn close to what this man really looked like' Mr Downing said. He also claims to have discovered what substance created the image and how it ended up on the shroud. 'I will reveal at the end of the show what type of event that must have occurred 2,000 years ago.
The team of graphic artists has been working on the project for twelve months, using the newest technology to create the computer-generated image.
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