The Gap is an ocean cliff in the Sydney suburb of Watsons Bay. The suburb is made up of silvertails - politicians, judges, rich professionals and lots of old money. It's also home to Doyles Seafood Restaurant, one of the best in the country. When you leave the sheltered harbour beach side and walk across the road you come to the windswept cliffs of The Gap, where every year, 50 or more people commit suicide by hurling themselves off the cliff into the sea.
Caroline Byrne, an Australian model was found on the rocks at the bottom of The Gap in 1995. Her boyfriend said she was depressed and had jumped but twelve years later, Gordon Wood, who was then living in the UK, was brought back and finally convicted of her murder. Charmaine Dragun was another well known casualty of The Gap, she was a journalist before joining Channel 10 as an anchor. She suffered from depression and anorexia and died after jumping off the gap on 2nd November 2007.

Woollahra Council, with the support of the Black Dog Institution, have come up with a 'Gap Master Plan'. This involves special high fencing, lighting, signs, cctv cameras and emergency telephone support telephones.

Local resident, Donald Ritchie, who has lived opposite the Gap for nearly 50 years, has shown what can be done when you have the chance to intervene. He and his wife have talked many back from the brink with a few kind words and a cup of tea. Honoured with an Order of Australia, Ritchie has talked more than 160 people out of taking their lives.
The Gap is the hottest suicide spot in Australia and it's only taken Woollahra Council this long - over 100 years - to do something about it.
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