It seems unfair that Josef Fritzl is languishing in gaol without a care in the world, receiving 3 meals a day and having nothing better to do than watch TV - he should be suffering more than that but he's not. It's hard to imagine how his daughter survived being locked up in a tiny space, never to see daylight for 24 long years and being constantly raped.
But he holds a fascination for some because a German newspaper Bild asked if they could interview him. In that interview he talks about his dream - to one day get out and again look after his wife who divorced him soon after his conviction. He has written eight letters to her but "I never got an answer" he said. "But I know she loves me still." He said he was scared that someone would "steal" his wife.
During the 70 minute interview, he did not want to talk about Elisabeth when asked if he regretted what he had done to her. When pushed on the subject he spoke of love. "Love - we reporters were left speechless" a Bild journalist said.
"My dream is to one day get out of here alive, I want to look after my wife again because she always displayed loyalty to me." None of Fritzl's 13 children, including the 6 he fathered with Elisabeth, have visited him in prison. When he first went to gaol, Fritzl sent letters to his daughter, begging for money. Elisabeth, now 43, is in a relationship with a man who was formerly her guard.
His favourite show to watch on television in his cell is Two And a Half Men because the teenage boy in the show reminds him of his son. Watching tv in his cell doesn't sound anything like the punishment this man deserves but the world is now so politically correct, our argument is "this is how a civilized country deals with its prisoners" - even monsters like Josef Fitzl.
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