There's a turn-off to the left just before Nowa Nowa, that says old Trestle Bridge 3 kms. I'm glad we decided to turn down here because we met John, an interesting old pensioner who has just bought a second hand three wheel bicycle, a present from Kevy, he said. For those who don't know, our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gave all Australian pensioners, carers and parents on low incomes, a Christmas gift of around $1200 each in the hope they would spend the money and stimulate the economy. John says he's happy to be doing his bit for the country.
He's only had it 6 days and actually did 72 kms in one day and that's a long way for anyone, let alone a man well into his sixties, he said in a few months time when he works off all his excess fat, the young ladies will be queueing up for his attention. I'm not sure about the safety factor, coming around a corner on this narrow dirt track and meeting John head on might be a bit disconcerting, and when I think of him out on the highway with all those trucks the mind boggles, he's a sitting duck.
The bridge I thought was rather photographable (is that a word), the last train came across here in 1988.
We also got to watch a harmless goanna slowly amble across the road.