Arrived at Malacoota, just over the New South Wales border and into Victoria, a beautiful spot where the lakes join the sea. It’s a small town and rather isolated, being 25 miles from the highway and a long way from the next major town. With a population of only 1000, at Easter and Christmas, the population rises to around 8,000.

Like most seaside country towns, it's deserted in the winter months and I noticed that most businesses were for sale - the bakery, newsagent, coffee lounge, grocery store but not the pub, we had a meal there one night and the place was jumping.
We got talking to a young couple who have been living here in their caravan at the Caravan Park for 5 months, the wife is working in the village coffee shop and her husband is an electrician putting solar panels in a primary school across the bay. They have applied for a Government job in an Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory and have received an interview date. If accepted they will be trained and then they will manage a general store in a small community. Just as well they are not big drinkers because it’s a grog free area, strictly no alcohol allowed. They are already experienced travelers and have been all around the country and enjoy the gypsy life but have their own home to go home to should the need arise.
Next stop, Lakes Entrance, Victoria
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