Friday, September 30, 2011
Dominic Strauss-Kahn Pleads Diplomatic Immunity

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Andrew Bolt Loses Racial Discrimination Case

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Woodside's Natural Gas Row in Broome

The first indigenous woman to be elected to any Australian Parliament is Labor MP Carol Martin 54 who was elected to the seat of Kimberley in 2001. She has been called a "toxic coconut" in a newsletter and is so upset, she plans to leave politics and not contest the next election in March 2013.

We all love the Kimberley and having been there, I was appalled when I heard that the huge mining company Woodside was going to mine for natural gas in the area but it looks like they have convinced the traditional owners to go ahead. In June, they signed a deal to

Lindsay Greatorex is one of the traditional owners and an employee of Woodside and says it's upsetting to see Aboriginal people fighting among themselves. Concerns about the atmosphere of Broome being ruined and air quality compromised are not true, the project is not visible from Broome and is far enough way not to be a problem. But indigenous academic Dr Anne Poelina says 3,000 signatures were collected on a petition opposing the project on environmental grounds, so fighting continues.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Westmead Hospital in the news again

Westmead hospital is in the news again for all the wrong reasons. When we threw out the state Labor government, we were told that conditions in hospitals would improve, especially in the area of patient care and waiting times. But now there is another scandal - letters from Westmead Specialists to GP's regarding their patient's care, have taken up to two years to arrive.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Kevin Rudd tipped to return as leader

Opposition leader Tony Abbott has told his front bench they will be gearing up for a political war with Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister before Christmas. It seems that Pyne, Brandis, Hockey and Julie Bishop believe that Rudd will challenge for the leadership.

It's also fairly obvious that Tony Abbott would prefer to deal with Julia Gillard as PM, Kevin Rudd would be a whole new ballgame. He could delay the carbon tax, change asylum seeker policy, break the alliance with independents - who knows what he would do - and the Liberals are trying to work out strategies on how to proceed if he gets re-elected as leader.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Millionaire calls in loans from siblings

Remember last weekend when the millionaire's wife wept because their riverside mansion was passed in at auction for $4.9 million? Poor thing. She was the wife of Mark McIvor 55, a merchant banker and property investor who is one of the richest men on the Gold Coast.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sophie Mirabella's Will Dispute

But this is where this case gets bizarre - Mervyn and Lesley Howard insist they are not after their father's money because he made it clear to them that they would not get any. One wonders what his children did to deserve this. They acknowledge that their father's feelings for Mirabella never wavered, before or after her marriage, they just want to know if she did the right thing by their father.
Professor Howard was a man highly regarded by the Victorian Bar Association who put together an obituary outlining his achievements in law and academia. Originally born in England, he came to Australia at the age of 30 and from 1965 he was a law professor at the University of Melbourne and Dean from 1978 to 1983. He took silk while with Ms Mirabella and served as general counsel to the Victorian Government Solicitor.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Burglar's Fatal Mistake

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Asylum Seeker Madness

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Wind Farm Threatens Wool Producers

Monday, September 19, 2011
Boy survives in German Woods

Saturday, September 17, 2011
France bans Muslims from praying in the street

Friday, September 16, 2011
US Military Bases in Australia

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Glen Stevens and the Reserve Bank of Australia

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Andrew Wilkie's Poker Machine War

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Carbon Tax D-Day

Monday, September 12, 2011
Brothel Extensions planned for Sydney

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Health Services Union Rotten to the core

Friday, September 9, 2011
Australia's Bright Future

Anyone interested: http://www.getajobinthemines.com/mining-jobs-western-australia.html
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Qantas CEO Pay Rise

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Rick Damelian Car Yards Go Broke

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
New South Wales Budget 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011
Asylum Seeker Bipartisan Solution?

There is talk of a bipartisan plan to tackle the asylum seeker problem but can Tony Abbott be trusted? The 330 asylum seekers who were being sent to Malaysia, will now be processed in Australia. Yesterday Mr Bowen said the Government was considering changing the Migration Act after being advised by the High Court, that along with Malaysia, Nauru and Manus Island were also untenable. "Obviously it will take some time, even if we went down the legislation road, that would take time to get through the Parliament. It's necessary for us to process these people - that's the right thing to do and that's what we'll be doing" he said.
Tony Abbott said he was willing to back changes to the Migration Act as long as the Government re-opened John Howard's detention centre of Nauru. "If you want to resurrect something out of this mess, if you want to have something that is credible border protection policy, we'll work with you" he said.
The Government have not responded to this offer but say it will consider all options carefully. I would wager that hell would have to freeze over before the Labor Party cuts a deal with the Liberals, but stranger things have happened and a bipartisan approach sounds sensible.
Coalition Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said the offer came with "no strings". "It comes in good faith" he said "Of course we would like them to embrace Temporary Protection Visas. We think it is good policy but it is not a condition."
Federal Labor Cabinet meets today and the Left has made it clear to Julia Gillard that sending asylum seekers to Nauru is not an option and they will not be moved to change their minds. They want to scrap offshore processing altogether and so do the Greens.
So is Tony Abbott sincere in wanting to solve our overwhelming asylum seeker problem? Independent Tony Windsor said "It is highly unlikely that Tony Abbott would offer anything to a Labor side but apparently he has" he said "That may be about political wedge more than genuine compassion and trying to work with the government of the day to help the Prime Minister out of a particular issue."
Labor powerbroker Graham Richardson said some months ago that Labor would "run off a cliff" with Julia Gillard rather than have Kevin Rudd back as leader and it looks like he's right. When there was doubt about her leadership, every one of the PM's ministers said that she had their full support and made it pretty clear there would be no challenge to her leadership.
Richo thinks the government should ignore the advice from the solicitor-general and send asylum seekers to Nauru using the Coalition to get the legislation passed. This would enrage the Greens, he said.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Asylum Seekers High Court Decision

Yesterday, when the High Court ruled that it was not going to allow the government to send asylum seekers to Malaysia, Julia Gillard looked stunned. Chris Bowen told us before the verdict was announced that the government was on very strong legal grounds but he lied, because they were not. One would think that the Commonwealth's legal experts would anticipate what the High Court's concerns might be, but they didn't, they were completely incompetent and negligent in their duties and now the Prime Minister has egg all over her face.
Thinking about how much money Labor has wasted on trying to solve the problem of people smugglers is very distressing, pouring millions of dollars into saving face by not reinstating Temporary Protection Visas and sending refugees for processing to Nauru, something they have said for years was an “inhumane Liberal policy”. And what about Malaysia? Imagine how they are feeling today after learning that their country didn’t measure up to Australia’s High Court standards, pretty insulting.
It's a terrible feeling, knowing that the Gillard government is ruining our beautiful country and not being able to do anything about it. But the Independents can. Wilkie, Oakeshott and Windsor want us to believe they are honourable men, well let's see how honourable they really are.
They now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this new disaster regarding asylum seekers, is proof that the Gillard government is not fit to govern and someone should do something to bring their disastrous rule to an end. The money they have wasted, not only on this issue, but on every other policy they have undertaken, is criminal.
They are spending more money on asylum seekers than us - their own people - we need new hospitals, more nurses, more public housing and more jobs. Our standard of living is going down the toilet so, hello Ms Gillard - what about us?